Pharmafreight offers UK distribution through its own fleet of temperature controlled vehicles, offering -20°C, +2 to +8°C and +15°C to +25°C on a dedicated basis.
All vehicles are able to handle both cold chain (+2°C to +8°C) and CRT (+15°C to +25°C) transportation requirements, with the ability to carry frozen products (-20.0’C) too. All vehicles are temperature-mapped, both in Winter and Summer, with set points of +5.0’C, +20.0’C and some at -20.0’C now too. Several of the vehicles have twin evaporators fitted, so can carry dual temperature loads.
In addition every vehicle is fitted with calibrated on-board temperature recorders – as well as alarms to alert drivers should a temperature excursion occur. All vehicles operate using the latest telematics systems giving immediate locations and load status updates to the transport control room. The vehicles operate 24/7/365.