Customer Testimonials

See below for a small selection of comments from Pharmafreight’s existing customers to see for yourself what current users of its services think!

“Pharmafreight has helped us with our high value & large volume cold chain supply chain strategy & execution, globally. They introduced us to the Kryotrans units at a critical time when didn’t have a robust solution to exporting cold chain goods and we were not experienced in the logistics of such shipments.”

– Head of QA

“Pharmafreight’s team of dedicated logistics professionals have been an important part of our successful launch of ADECTRIS™ (Brentuximab Vedotin) in the oncology drug market. To say that we have a complex cold-chain logistics matrix would be an understatement. With CMOs located in the USA, Ireland, Scotland, France and Italy and transport temperatures that include dry ice and refrigerated conditions, there have been significant challenges in keeping our cold chain distribution intact. Multi-national customs, Inward Processing Relief (IPR), volcanoes and labor strikes are just some of the challenges that Pharmafreight has met head-on. In 2011, we successfully completed the Transportation Qualifications for all shipping lanes of the ADECTRIS™ product line. Pharmafreight was a key member of our qualification team. In most instances, Pharmafreight had representatives present in either the shipping or receiving locations just to make sure that these critical shipments went as smoothly as possible.”

– Logistics Manager, SGN

“The Pharmafreight team provide us with a professional exemplary service.   We find them totally reliable and efficient, with a commitment to providing excellent customer care.   They make everything appear so easy and effortless. We are delighted to have them as a partner for all freight forwarding activities.”

– Logistics Manager, Bowmed

“Ours is a small pharmaceutical company with a complex supply chain. We have temperature controlled products and API’s which need to be transported, often as a matter of urgency, to and from territories as diverse as India, Japan, South Africa, USA and Europe. Many of our customers have very particular requirements and Pharmafreight is always more than willing to assist with these even if it means travelling out to accompany a particularly important consignment. Pharmafreight proactively look for the best solution to complex transportation situations and work with us to ensure we are kept well informed throughout transportation. As a small company without our own freight capabilities, it is of vital importance that we have a transportation company we can rely on, and Pharmafreight have been consistently reliable and accommodating.”

– Manager, Scientific Affairs

“Thanks again for coordinating another successful shipment. It is nice to know our shipments are handled with such great care!”

Director, MPI

“Just a quick message to say thank you for a smooth transaction this morning. The driver was polite, and helpful and turned up at the time that I was told , which is always a big help. Will definitely be happy to work with you again!”

 – Trial Coordinator, Bristol Royal Infirmary